Well. The last hurdle has been jumped. It's official.
We have accepted a three year posting to Belgium. This means a new job, new school, new culture, and new challenges. A lot is still in the air, but as decisions are made and we prepare to leave Canada we will share those stories too.
And as we embark on our adventure, we hope to share our stories with our friends and family that we have to leave behind. This blog is one way for us to do that. We hope that by posting here all of us can give our perspectives on what its like to live in Belgium and the many travels we hope to have along the way.
As there are 5 of us posting to the blog, we'll sign-off each post with the author. That way you know who's story you are reading. We'd also love for this to be a two-way blog, so post any questions you have for us in the comments and we'll try to answer them as best we can.
Enjoy the blog
Cindy, Peter, Calvin, Emily and Sam