Monday, 26 October 2015

Friday, 23 October 2015

Grocery shopping fun

At the store near the kids school I can self scan the groceries! Just bleep-bleep and put it in the cart. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Train World

Day one of the half term break took us to Train World, the brand new train museum. 
It was a wonderful museum that captured the romance and mystique of trains beautifully, with plenty (at least I assume because we just ran from train to train) of information on the rail industry. A very enjoyable outing! 
A raised glass walk over tracks that showed artefacts 
Sam found the train from his book "How to Train a Train"
Train simulator!!
Sam: we were looking at the really fast trains. The real ones outside from the lookout tower. It was awesome! 

Emily: there was a cafe there. Their meatballs were good. 

Calvin: we saw the Chunnel train. It was teaser of the train we are going to take to London. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Wild game

Apparently it's wild game season here. I've never seen such variety of meat in grocery stores. We're venturing into boat, pheasant and duck. Maybe next time partridge or deer.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Pick your own

Today we ventured out to a great pick your own organic vegetable farm. So much fun! And it really felt like fall! And we'll certainly be back in the spring for strawberry season!!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


Today we picked up the car. Yay! While it was at a depot in the middle of nowhere and Peter's boss kindly drove us out there, getting the car was easy. So today I venture out into Brussels as a driver. Eeek!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Yes. We managed it. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, Brussels sprouts, carrots ... Even homemade pumpkin pie. 

To celebrate the Canadian holiday we invited over a few people from Peter's work and had a lovely dinner. 

It was nice to celebrate knowing everyone back home was too. And thankful for this opportunity. This year is the blessings of two lives full of experiences and friendship.

Happy thanksgiving! 
PS maple-pumpkin pie is delicious! 

Random street shot

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

More stained glass

On my walk yesterday a noticed more beautiful stained glass. I decided to "collect" it for you Gwen. It was unfortunately a rainy day so the light was not great for pictures. 

Don't ask for a doggie bag...

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Ahh, Europe

Nothing says European life like a Nutella baguette sandwich! Yum

Mint tea and the Moroccan market

Today I joined a field trip with parents group at the school to the weekly Moroccan market. It was huge. And there was everything under the sun. 

Fruits and veg check. 
Spices check. 
Cleaning products. 
Even live infomercials complete with buy-now deals. 

We completed the visit with an (overly) sweet mint tea. It was an experience for sure. But now I know where the deals are!