Sunday, 23 April 2017

Edinburgh Experience

With a small group from work we flew to Edinburgh for scotch and scenery!
Evening 1: sampled scotch and enjoyed a great meal in downtown Edinburgh.

Day 2: bus tour around the entire central Highlands including stops at a distillery for breakfast and tour (no scotch before 10am) and Loch Ness in the afternoon

Day 3: Touring Edinburgh by day, Royal Mile from Holyrood Palace at one to the Castle at the other, and around the city.

Rugby: Belgium vs. Romania

I took Calvin to an international rugby match with other boys and father from his school.

The hits were something to see up close!

Belgium 17 - Romania 33

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Sam's Italy - The Leaning Tower of Pisa

It was cool because it was leaning. It was leaning because I knocked it over with my bum. Then I tried to flick it back into place.

I liked the truffle hunting because there was a dog. At first I was scared and then I got brave and I got to pet it. And I loved that.

Calvin's Italy - truffle hunting

I liked the truffle hunting because I like the dog there. And we got to see fossilized shells from where the sea levels rose up the the hills. That makes the soil perfect for oaks to grow and truffles usually grow under the roots of the oak. We found about five truffles. The dog sniffed them out. After the truffle hunting we ate some dishes with truffles in it. And me, Em and Sam got to play with the dog. the dog's name was Choco.

Emily's Italy - fun in the hot springs

The hot springs were not super hot, they were warm. Some bit were deep, some bits were shallow and very rocky and some bit felt very weird. I liked them because I liked the deep bits because we could do flips just not when there are people around. It was two and a half hours to get there so it was worth it!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Today we visited a photo exhibit of the work of Steve McCurry. The stunning and sometimes challenging photos filled the room. I was impressed that the kids enjoyed the visit and had lots of great questions. 

These were the kids' favourite photos. 

Sam: I liked the one there was camels and it was exploding. 

Cal: I found the one with man with sewing machine pretty weird because it looked like he was saving his sewing machine like it was human. 

Emily: the famous one. It was of a girl that was eyes starring at something and she was always watching you. 


Afterwards we had a sunny lunch near a plaza where the kids could run.